Conference and event

Make your next event something out of the ordinary

Come and experience the bright, newly renovated facilities and combine it with the authentic airport atmosphere.

Whether you need to organise a different and exciting corporate event or a regular meeting, HCA Airport offers tailor-made solutions for the organisation of conferences, meetings and events.

Any set-up is possible, we have all the necessary AV equipment, and we're happy to come up with suggestions and ideas for an event where you can create the perfect experience using one or more of the airport's unique facilities:

You can find the price list for our conference rooms here

The following premises are available

The rooms can be booked individually or several at a time. Room hire starts from DKK 1,500 ex VAT.
Contact us at [email protected], so that we together can plan the best day for you.


We offer flexible solutions if catering is required for your next meeting, conference or event.

Our partner is Flyver Caféen, which is the tenant of the airport café.

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